Welcome to the Pathways project. We are studying how people consider and choose courses and navigate their journeys to major declaration and beyond.

As part of our work, we are recruiting a cohort of students entering Stanford University in Fall 2019 to talk with us about their academic and other ambitions as they begin college. After two brief interviews near the beginning of their first year at Stanford, we will keep in touch with these students and ask them to speak with us once more each quarter near the drop/add deadline for courses. As a gesture of thanks, participants will receive $20 at the conclusion of each interview.

Participation in the study is completely voluntary, interviews are confidential, and participating students will remain anonymous in any research presentations or publications. 

The lead investigator of the Pathways project is Stanford Associate Professor Mitchell Stevens. Doctoral-student leads are Monique Harrison and Philip Hernandez.

Questions? Do not hesitate to reach us at the following e-mail addresses.  We look forward to hearing from you!

Mitchell Stevens, stevens4
Monique Harrison, moniqueharrison
Philip Hernandez, philipah

all email addresses @stanford.edu